EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things is open access, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal focused on all areas related to the technologies and application fields related to the Internet of Things. The journal publishes research articles, review articles, commentaries, editorials, technical articles, and short communications on a quarterly frequency. Authors are not charged for article submission and processing.
INDEXING: Scopus, DOAJ, CrossRef, Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO, CNKI, Dimensions
The scope of the Transactions encompasses latest advances in the growing field of the Internet of Things (IoT), with the topics of interest being:
Technologies & Protocols: sensors, energy harvesters, RFID, machine-type communications, medium access protocols, radio resource management, industrial control, real-time systems, embedded software design.
Architectures & Services: cloud-based platforms, big data processing engines, security, privacy, device management, CPS/SCADA platforms, innovative/open service architectures, data mining, service middleware, semantic service management.
Applications & Use Cases: smart cities, smart buildings, smart traffic, industrial internet of things, smart metering, smart agriculture, etc.
Standardisation Landscape: IEEE, IETF, 3GPP, ETSI, and various alliances.
Experimentation & Prototypes: real-world deployments at scale, industrial deployments, experiences with prototypes (including what didn’t work), etc.
Call for Papers: Special issue on IoT, Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Smart Environment (Manuscript submission deadline: 2022-08-15; Notification of acceptance: 2022-09-30; Submission of final revised paper: 2022-10-30; Publication of special issue (tentative): 2023-01-01)
Lead Guest Editor: Mourade Azrour (Moulay Ismail University, Morocco) Guest Editor: Azeem Irshad (Faculty of Computer Science, Asghar Mall College Rawalpindi, HED, Govt. of the Punjab, Pakistan) Guest Editor: Azidine Guezzaz (Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco) Guest Editor: Jamal Mabrouki (Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of Science, Morocco) Guest Editor: Said Benkirane (Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco;)