This is the 1st WMA International Workshop 2018, a proud record for an academic event and purpose, and we hope it is also an indication of the value of WMA to Multi-Discplinary scholars within the three region of Aceh, Jakarta and Padang. Respectively, WMA Jakarta is organized by Universitas Budi L…
This is the 1st WMA International Workshop 2018, a proud record for an academic event and purpose, and we hope it is also an indication of the value of WMA to Multi-Discplinary scholars within the three region of Aceh, Jakarta and Padang. Respectively, WMA Jakarta is organized by Universitas Budi Luhur, WMA Aceh is organizes by Universitas Malikussaleh and WMA Padang is conducted by PNP Padang.. There are three speakers, Dr. Dahlan Abdullah (WMA Aceh), Dr. Darmawan Napitupulu (WMA Jakarta), Mr. Rahmat, ST, M.Kom (WMA Padang).
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