the First International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services (MobiCASE), in San Diego, California. The conference has been made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of ICST and Create-Net, whose resources and conference organization experience were instrumental in the …
the First International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services (MobiCASE), in San Diego, California. The conference has been made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of ICST and Create-Net, whose resources and conference organization experience were instrumental in the success of the event. MobiCASE is specifically focused on application-layer research and development in mobile computing: applications, application management, and application services. Its vision is largely influenced by what we see in the consumer space today: high-end mobile phones, high-bandwidth wireless networks, novel consumer and enterprise mobile applications, scalable software infrastructures, and of course an increasingly larger user base that is moving towards an almost all-mobile lifestyle. This focus on the application layer of mobile computing is what makes MobiCASE unique and sets it apart from other venues.
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