Designing and Integrating Independent Living Technology, DIILT'11 - invite original research contributions, work in progress as well as position and experience papers from all those with practical knowledge of integrating remote e-health solutions within healthcare delivery systems.
This worksho…
Designing and Integrating Independent Living Technology, DIILT'11 - invite original research contributions, work in progress as well as position and experience papers from all those with practical knowledge of integrating remote e-health solutions within healthcare delivery systems.
This workshop invites contributions from a wide range of services users and / or services providers. We seek contributions from a wide range of experts and practitioners within academia, industry and the health services with the experience of designing and implementing Pervasive, Tele-Medicine & Tele-health-care systems.
The workshop aims to be a forum for sharing practical experiences of e-health integration within national and local health services. This includes examples of successful implementations as well as lessons learned from less successful ones. It is envisaged that such reports could form the basis for design recommendations for future technology deployment and the identification of barriers to implementation.
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