Riadh Dhaou1
Dr. Riadh DHAOU, is an Associate Professor at the Toulouse INP (Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse). He is attached to the Computer Science and Telecommunication department of the ENSEEIHT and is a member, since 2003, of the RMESS team of the IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse) Laboratory. He received the Engineering degree in Computer Science from the ENSI (University of Tunis II) in 1997, and the Master Degree in Computer Systems from the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris (Paris VI), in 1998. He was awarded, respectively, a Ph.D. degree in Computer Systems, Telecommunication and Electronic by the University of Paris VI (in November 2002) and the HDR (Habilitation) by the Toulouse INP (in November 2017). His research interests include statistical characterization and modelling of mobility, mobile and space communications, modelling and optimization of cross-layer schemes, performance analysis of wireless networks, autonomous multi-hop/cooperative communications systems, capacity and outage analysis of multi-user heterogeneous wireless systems, resource allocation, design and performance evaluation of wireless sensor networks and energy consumption optimization. Since 2003, he is principal investigator with the cooperative laboratory TéSA, a non-profit association, leading research studies and PhDs in Telecommunications for Space and Aeronautics. Since November 2017, he is the leader of the satellite theme within the RMESS team. He has supervised 14 Ph. D. Theses (9 were defended) and 5 master-degree theses. He has published more than 81 papers (including 7 journals and 5 book chapters) and his research activity has been funded by more than 35 research grants in satellite and sensor networks (CNES, Thales-Alenia Space, Airbus D&S). He has been technical leader for 7 research grants in satellite networks and participated in several industrial and academic grants. He participated to several European and National projects: - ESA SATNEX IV project -CAPES-COFECUB Project MMAPS (Management, Mobility, Security, Architecture and Protocols for the Future Internet of Things) - ANR Project CAPTEURS - RNRT Project DILAN - ESPRIT Project BISANTE (Broadband Integrated Satellite Network Traffic Evaluation) - RNRT Project CONSTELLATIONS He also participated to the Network of Excellence NoE Euro-NGI, particularly on the evolution of the IP networks. He was involved in the Technical Program Committee of 7 International Conferences. He was General Chair of PSATS'2013 and was member of one Organization Committee of two other International Conferences. He is, since 2013, part of the Editorial Board of WINET (The springer Wireless Networks journal).
Lucia Knapcikova2
Lucia Knapčíková, Lucia Knapčíková is Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Informatics at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, TU Košice. In 2017 she completed her habilitation at the Faculty in the field "Manufacturing Technologies". Assoc. Prof. Dr. Knapčíková is author more than 130 scientific papers in Slovakia and abroad and 6 utility models. She participated in several international research projects, mainly in Germany. Most important project is H2020 with the title ”Less Than Wagon Load”, in collaboration with Belgium, Germany, Netherland, Italy and Slovakia, where she works as project manager and faculty project coordinator. She lectured at the universities in Germany, Czech Republic and Croatia. Her area of interest includes utilization of secondary raw materials, composites, manufacturing technologies and simulation software. She is member of Editorial board of Acta Technología Journal, SAR Journal and she is Editor in chief of EAI Endorsed Transactions of Future Internet.
1: Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
2: Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, TU Košice