Research Article
A survey on distributed approaches to graph based reputation measures
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/smctools.2007.2027, author={Konstantin Avrachenkov and Danil Nemirovsky and Kim Son Pham}, title={A survey on distributed approaches to graph based reputation measures}, proceedings={1st International ICST Workshop on Tools for solving Structured Markov Chains}, proceedings_a={SMCTOOLS}, year={2010}, month={5}, keywords={}, doi={10.4108/smctools.2007.2027} }
- Konstantin Avrachenkov
Danil Nemirovsky
Kim Son Pham
Year: 2010
A survey on distributed approaches to graph based reputation measures
DOI: 10.4108/smctools.2007.2027
Reputation systems are indispensable for the operation of Internet mediated services, electronic markets, document ranking systems, P2P networks and Ad Hoc networks. Here we survey available distributed approaches to the graph based reputation measures. Graph based reputation measures can be viewed as random walks on directed weighted graphs whose edges represent interactions among peers. We classify the distributed approaches to graph based reputation measures into three categories. The first category is based on asynchronous methods. The second category is based on the aggregation/decomposition methods. And the third category is based on the personalization methods which use the information available locally.
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