1st International ICST Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems

Research Article

A Framework to Support Multiple Reconfiguration Strategies

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        author={Liliana Rosa and Lu\^{\i}s Rodrigues and Ant\^{o}nia Lopes},
        title={A Framework to Support Multiple Reconfiguration Strategies},
        proceedings={1st International ICST Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems},
        keywords={Management Dynamic Reconguration Adaptation Strategy},
  • Liliana Rosa
    Luís Rodrigues
    Antónia Lopes
    Year: 2007
    A Framework to Support Multiple Reconfiguration Strategies
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.AUTONOMICS2007.2113
Liliana Rosa1,*, Luís Rodrigues2,*, Antónia Lopes1,*
  • 1: University of Lisbon
*Contact email: lrosa@lasige.di.fc.ul.pt, ler@ist.utl.pt, mal@di.fc.ul.pt


Self-management is a key feature of autonomic systems. This often demands the dynamic reconfguration of a distributed application. An important issue in the reconfguration pro- cess is the strategy that is used to coordinate the multiple participants involved in the reconfguration. This paper ad- dresses the problem of providing support for multiple recon- fguration strategies in autonomic systems that are designed as self-reconfgurable service compositions. We decompose existing strategies in two separate aspects | an orchestra- tion protocol and a local reconfguration procedure. This separation allowed us to design a set of generic pluggable components that can be integrated in concrete service com- positions, in order to support different strategies. The strat- egy selection is performed according to the semantics of each reconfguration. To illustrate our approach, we have imple- mented an instance of these pluggable components for the RAppia composition framework.