ew 14(2): e2

Research Article

Real-Time Simulation Technique of a Microgrid Model for DER Penetration

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  • @ARTICLE{10.4108/ew.1.2.e2,
        author={Konstantina Mentesidi and Evangelos Rikos and Vasilis Kleftakis},
        title={Real-Time Simulation Technique of a Microgrid Model for DER Penetration},
        journal={EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web},
        keywords={droop control, power hardware- in- the- loop (PHIL), RSCAD/ RTDS.},
  • Konstantina Mentesidi
    Evangelos Rikos
    Vasilis Kleftakis
    Year: 2014
    Real-Time Simulation Technique of a Microgrid Model for DER Penetration
    DOI: 10.4108/ew.1.2.e2
Konstantina Mentesidi1,*, Evangelos Rikos2, Vasilis Kleftakis3
  • 1: K. Mentesidi and Monica Aguado are with the Grid Integration department of CENER, National Renewable Energy Centre, Navarra, Spain (kmentesidi@cener.com, maguado@cener.com).
  • 2: E. Rikos is with the department of Photovoltaics and Distributed Generation of CRES, Athens, Greece (vrikos@cres.gr)
  • 3: V.Kleftakis and P. Kotsampopoulos are with School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (vkleft@mail.ntua.gr, kotsa@power.ece.ntua.gr)
*Contact email: kmentesidi@cener.com


Comprehensive analysis of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) integration requires tools that provide computational power and flexibility. In this context, throughout this paper PHIL simulations are performed to emulate the energy management system of a real microgrid including a diesel synchronous machine and inverter-based sources. Moreover, conventional frequency and voltage droops were incorporated into the respective inverters. The results were verified at the real microgrid installation in the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) premises. This research work is divided into two steps: A) Real time in RSCAD/RTDS and Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) simulations where the diesel generator´s active power droop control is evaluated, the battery inverter´s droop curves are simulated and the load sharing for parallel operation of the system´s generation units is examined. B) microgrid experiments during which various tests were executed concerning the diesel generator and the battery inverters in order to examine their dynamic operation within the LV islanded power system.