Research Article
Flipbook Digital Instructional Materials Developed Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Methods to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills Students at Bina Insan Batang Kuis
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.24-9-2024.2353262, author={Nur Elisa Fitri and Mulyono Mulyono and Edy Surya}, title={Flipbook Digital Instructional Materials Developed Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Methods to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills Students at Bina Insan Batang Kuis}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2024, 24 September 2024, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={AISTEEL}, year={2024}, month={12}, keywords={contextual and teaching learning learning models students' mathematical problem-solving ability teaching resources}, doi={10.4108/eai.24-9-2024.2353262} }
- Nur Elisa Fitri
Mulyono Mulyono
Edy Surya
Year: 2024
Flipbook Digital Instructional Materials Developed Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Methods to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills Students at Bina Insan Batang Kuis
DOI: 10.4108/eai.24-9-2024.2353262
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, validity, and practicality of instructional materials designed with the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach to improve students' ability to solve mathematical problems. The results of a study done at SMP IT Bina Insan Batang Kuis with eighth-grade students in the 2023–2024 school year show that: 1) The materials are valid; the average validation scores for lesson plans, teaching materials, and student worksheets are 4.59, 4.71, and 4.74. 2) In trial II, practicality scores increased to 4.24 (high) from 3.03 (medium) in trial I. 3) 88.5% of students finished assignments, while success rates for learning objectives ranged from 76.22% to 92.15%, demonstrating effectiveness. Student opinion was positive, averaging 90.2%. 4) There was a noticeable improvement in reasoning abilities; trial II showed an average normalized gain of 0.471, suggesting medium progress.