Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research Article

STEM Professional Development of Teachers in Under-Resourced Contexts

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.21-12-2021.2317337,
        author={Salomey Tardy Hackman},
        title={STEM Professional Development of Teachers in  Under-Resourced Contexts},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia},
        keywords={stem education challenging contexts resources teacher professional development},
  • Salomey Tardy Hackman
    Year: 2022
    STEM Professional Development of Teachers in Under-Resourced Contexts
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.21-12-2021.2317337
Salomey Tardy Hackman1,*
  • 1: Department of Curriculum & Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong
*Contact email:


Numerous studies have shown that the success of STEM education at the implementation stage largely depends on teacher preparedness. Within this conversation, positive results of STEM teacher preparation programmed appear to be primarily based on outcomes achieved in STEM-supported classrooms and entirely in resource-rich education settings, where access to resources is assumed mainly as given. STEM education can be costly to implement because it often necessitates a well-equipped infrastructure and access to numerous resources. Given the need to 1) foster higher-order thinking skills, educational literacy, and digital responsibility in 21st-century education, and 2) the scarcity of integrated STEM intervention-based research in these under-resourced settings, we argue that supporting teachers through well-designed professional development activities to prepare teachers to implement this approach within such settings is compelling. Therefore, this paper focuses on identifying STEM professional development strategies that may help teachers implement STEM despite their minimal access to resources.