Research Article
Learning Media Development Using the Lectora Inspire Application Refers to the 2013 Curriculum for Elementary School Students
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.21-12-2021.2317292, author={Irsan Irsan and Elvi Mailani and Lala Jelita Ananda and Friska Lestari Nainggolan}, title={Learning Media Development Using the Lectora Inspire Application Refers to the 2013 Curriculum for Elementary School Students}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICONSEIR}, year={2022}, month={5}, keywords={learning media development lectora inspire elementary school students}, doi={10.4108/eai.21-12-2021.2317292} }
- Irsan Irsan
Elvi Mailani
Lala Jelita Ananda
Friska Lestari Nainggolan
Year: 2022
Learning Media Development Using the Lectora Inspire Application Refers to the 2013 Curriculum for Elementary School Students
DOI: 10.4108/eai.21-12-2021.2317292
The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of learning media using Lectora Inspire on the sub-theme of Animal Movement Organs. The subjects in this study were fifth grade of elementary school students. The results showed that the learning media using Lectora Inspire which was developed was classified as "Very Good" learning media criteria based on the results of the assessments of the three validators in the "Very Valid" category with details of the material expert validators obtained a score with an average of 95% very valid categories. In the aspect of media assessment by media experts, a score of 93.75% was obtained in the very valid category. In the aspect of language assessment by linguists, a score of 96.66% was obtained in the very valid category and the teacher response assessment aspect by the second-grade teacher was obtained with an average score of 97.61% in the very valid category. Based on the results of the three validations, the learning media using the Lectora Inspire Application on the sub-theme of Animal Movement Organs is appropriate for fifth grade elementary school students.