Research Article
The Influence of Fatigue Exposure Behavior of A6063-T6 Aluminum Fatigue Crack Growth Under Mixed Mode
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.20-1-2018.2281918, author={Zulmiardi Zulmiardi and Meriatna Meriatna and Meri Andriani}, title={The Influence of Fatigue Exposure Behavior of A6063-T6 Aluminum Fatigue Crack Growth Under Mixed Mode}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Multidisciplinary and Its Applications Part 1, WMA-01 2018, 19-20 January 2018, Aceh, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={WMA-1}, year={2019}, month={9}, keywords={aluminium a6061-t6 mixed mode fracture toughness fatigue crack propagation}, doi={10.4108/eai.20-1-2018.2281918} }
- Zulmiardi Zulmiardi
Meriatna Meriatna
Meri Andriani
Year: 2019
The Influence of Fatigue Exposure Behavior of A6063-T6 Aluminum Fatigue Crack Growth Under Mixed Mode
DOI: 10.4108/eai.20-1-2018.2281918
This research aims to know about the crack behavior on aluminum alloy A6063-T6 under mixed mode loading. The speciments made form Compact Tension Shear and by means of loading device, the angle between the load axis and the cracked surface was varied from agel=900(mode I), =600 and =450(mixe mode). Crack testing is performed by initial cracking followed by a constant fatigue load on a particular cycle through the survopulser device.The initial crack behavior and its propagation was monitored by digital microscope. Analysis of the test results gives the crack material toughness, cracking criterian, fracture toughness and fracture surface form A6063-T6 aluminum Alloy. The direction of crack propagation perpendicular to the angleof loading,in mode I the direction of crack propagates in the direction of pre crack fatty and forms ange 00from pre crack direction,in mode II andmixed mode with the height of the mode I component, the direction of each crack forms an angle of 26 0 and 420 from the pre crack direction and a fracture type friction occurs that precedes the open-type crack propagation in mode I. Observations by fractographic analysis use Scanning Electron Microscope shown the fracture surface is fatiguestriation).