Research Article
Simulator Agnostic ns-3 Applications
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247744, author={George Riley and John Abraham}, title={Simulator Agnostic ns-3 Applications}, proceedings={Workshop on ns-3}, publisher={ACM}, proceedings_a={WNS3}, year={2012}, month={6}, keywords={network simulation applications}, doi={10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247744} }
- George Riley
John Abraham
Year: 2012
Simulator Agnostic ns-3 Applications
DOI: 10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247744
An important part of network simulation is the application, which has specific traffic patterns that try to imitate a real-world application. For instance, an on-off application with random on and off durations can be used to model the behavioral pattern of a human using a web-browser. But the traffic pattern generated by an ns- 3 application is only an estimate and is limited by the underlying mechanics of discrete-event simulation. We propose a method by which an ns-3 application can be re-used as a real-world application. Such an application can be written and tested using ns–3, and instantly deployed in the real-world with confidence. The application would be agnostic of whether it is being used for simulation or as a real-world application.