6th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services

Research Article

Cooperative parking space allocation in vehicular ad hoc networks

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        author={Thierry  Delot and Nicolas  Cenerario and Sergio  Ilarri and Sylvain  Lecomte},
        title={Cooperative parking space allocation in vehicular ad hoc networks},
        proceedings={6th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services},
        keywords={Ad hoc networks Broadcasting Communication networks Laboratories Network servers Proposals Protocols Roads Space vehicles Vehicle driving},
  • Thierry Delot
    Nicolas Cenerario
    Sergio Ilarri
    Sylvain Lecomte
    Year: 2009
    Cooperative parking space allocation in vehicular ad hoc networks
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.MOBIQUITOUS2009.7050
Thierry Delot1,*, Nicolas Cenerario1,*, Sergio Ilarri2,*, Sylvain Lecomte1,*
  • 1: LAMIH Laboratory, University of Valenciennes, France.
  • 2: lIS Department, University of Zaragoza, Spain.
*Contact email: Thierry.Delot@univ-valenciennes.fr, Nicolas.Cenerario@univ-valenciennes.fr, silarri@unizar.es, Sylvain.Lecomte@univ-valenciennes.fr


By exchanging events in a vehicular ad hoc network, drivers can receive interesting information while driving. For example, they can be informed of available parking spaces in their vicinity. Obviously, a suitable protocol is needed to disseminate the events efficiently within the area where they are relevant. Moreover, in such a competitive context where each vehicle may be interested in the resource, it is crucial not to broadcast that resource to each driver in the vicinity. Otherwise, those drivers would waste time trying to reach a parking space and only one of them would be satisfied, which would lead to a poor satisfaction in the system. To solve this problem, we propose a reservation protocol to allocate parking spaces in vehicular ad hoc networks that avoids the competition among the vehicles. In this paper, we present the basic ideas of our proposal.