11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services

Research Article

WiFiBoost: a terminal-based method for detection of indoor/outdoor places

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/icst.mobiquitous.2014.258063,
        author={Oscar Canovas and Pedro Lopez-de-Teruel and Alberto Ruiz},
        title={WiFiBoost: a terminal-based method for detection of indoor/outdoor places},
        proceedings={11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services},
        keywords={adaboost binary classification indoor localization rssis},
  • Oscar Canovas
    Pedro Lopez-de-Teruel
    Alberto Ruiz
    Year: 2014
    WiFiBoost: a terminal-based method for detection of indoor/outdoor places
    DOI: 10.4108/icst.mobiquitous.2014.258063
Oscar Canovas,*, Pedro Lopez-de-Teruel1, Alberto Ruiz1
  • 1: University of Murcia
*Contact email: ocanovas@um.es


We present a binary classifier named WiFiBoost which makes use of RSSIs from the existing 802.11 access points (AP) in order to infer whether a device is inside a building. Our weak learner is based on the feature of RSSI comparison between pairs of APs. The resulting model is really compact and efficient, and it can be stored in the mobile device. Our classifier also minimizes the negative effect of unpredicted AP failures or changes in the network infrastructure, which will result in a moderate impact on the classification error under those circumstances.