2nd European ICST Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery

Research Article

Extending WiMAX to New Scenarios: Key Results on System Architecture and Test-beds of the WEIRD project

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        author={G. Martufi and M. Katz and P. Neves and  M. Curado  and M. Castrucci and P. Simoes  and E.  Piri  and K. Pentikousis },
        title={Extending WiMAX to New Scenarios: Key Results on System Architecture and Test-beds of the WEIRD project},
        proceedings={2nd European ICST Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery},
        keywords={WEIRD WiMAX test-beds QoS.},
  • G. Martufi
    M. Katz
    P. Neves
    M. Curado
    M. Castrucci
    P. Simoes
    E. Piri
    K. Pentikousis
    Year: 2010
    Extending WiMAX to New Scenarios: Key Results on System Architecture and Test-beds of the WEIRD project
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.MOBIMEDIA2008.3833
G. Martufi1,*, M. Katz2,*, P. Neves3,*, M. Curado 4,*, M. Castrucci2,*, P. Simoes 4,*, E. Piri 5,*, K. Pentikousis 6,*
  • 1: Elsag Datamat, Italy.
  • 2: University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy.
  • 3: Portugal Telecom Inovaçaò, Portugal.
  • 4: University of Coimbra, Portugal.
  • 5: VTT Finland
  • 6: VTT Finland, Finland.
*Contact email: giuseppe.martufi@elsagdatamat.com, marcos.katz@vtt.fi, est-p-neves@ptinovacao.pt, marilia@dei.uc.pt, marco.castrucci@dis.uniroma1.it, psimoes@dei.uc.pt, esa.piri@vtt.fi, kostas.pentikousis@vtt.fi


Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks based on IEEE 802.16 standards are in the deployment phase in many countries. In fact, this technology can deliver high data rate while covering long distances, being a suitable candidate to solve the problem of digital divide and thus being able to provide connectivity in isolated and impervious areas. This paper presents the results of the EU Integrated Project WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks), in which WiMAX technology has been used to provide connectivity in impervious areas to perform volcano monitoring, fire prevention and telemedicine. In particular, we describe the advantages of the WEIRD system architecture and we show how WiMAX test-beds have been set up within the project to demonstrate the possibility to use WiMAX to extend the connectivity of the pan-European data communication network GEANT2 to stringent scenarios.