6th International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications

Research Article

Trade-offs in Primary Detection Using a Mobile Phone as a Sensing Device

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/icst.crowncom.2011.245875,
        author={Mikko V\aa{}\aa{}r\aa{}kangas and Sami Kallioinen and Aarno  P\aa{}rssinen and Vesa Turunen and Jussi  Ryyn\aa{}nen},
        title={Trade-offs in Primary Detection Using a Mobile Phone as a Sensing Device},
        proceedings={6th International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications},
        keywords={cognitive radio spectrum sensing mobile phone white space devices digital televison; dvb; uhf; intermodulation},
  • Mikko Vääräkangas
    Sami Kallioinen
    Aarno Pärssinen
    Vesa Turunen
    Jussi Ryynänen
    Year: 2012
    Trade-offs in Primary Detection Using a Mobile Phone as a Sensing Device
    DOI: 10.4108/icst.crowncom.2011.245875
Mikko Vääräkangas1,*, Sami Kallioinen2, Aarno Pärssinen2, Vesa Turunen3, Jussi Ryynänen3
  • 1: Nokia Research Center
  • 2: Renesas Mobile
  • 3: Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering
*Contact email: mikko.vaarakangas@nokia.com


Cognitive Radio built on top of spectrum sensing is promised to provide more capacity for users wherever and whenever needed and improve radio spectrum utilization in clever and fair manner. However, practical spectrum sensors have to be implemented and they should provide sufficient protection to legacy users of radio spectrum. This leads to trade-offs between primary user protection ratio, device form factor, cost and power consumption. In this research we have derived requirements for antenna efficiency, sensitivity and linearity of practical spectrum sensors. These are verified by field measurements using spectrum sensor embedded to a mobile phone.