Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2020, 9-10 October 2020, Semarang, Indonesia

Research Article

Pragmatic Aspects in Anne Hathaway’s Speech: A Speech Act Study

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.9-10-2020.2304817,
        author={Mualimin  Mualimin},
        title={Pragmatic Aspects in Anne Hathaway’s Speech: A Speech Act Study},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2020, 9-10 October 2020, Semarang, Indonesia},
        keywords={pragmatic aspects speech acts direct and indirect utterances},
  • Mualimin Mualimin
    Year: 2021
    Pragmatic Aspects in Anne Hathaway’s Speech: A Speech Act Study
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.9-10-2020.2304817
Mualimin Mualimin1,*
  • 1: Universitas Diponegoro
*Contact email:


This research explores pragmatic aspects in Anne Hathaway’s speech addressed on the commemoration of International Mother’s Day in the UN forum in 2017. The data of this research are in the form of utterances used in the speech. The data are analyzed using speech act theory of language use which is covered in pragmatics. The results show that based on the theory of speech acts, Anne Hathaway uses four kinds of speech acts covering directives, assertive, expressive, and commissure. There is no declaration found in the speech. In delivering her speech, Hathaway uses an effective language covering both direct and indirect utterances.