Proceedings of the 5th Management Science Informatization and Economic Innovation Development Conference, MSIEID 2023, December 8–10, 2023, Guangzhou, China

Research Article

Evaluation of Intelligent Innovation Effect of Fashion and Cultural Products from the Perspective of Consumer Perception

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.8-12-2023.2344381,
        author={Chenggang  Li and Chen  Liang and Lu  Ge},
        title={Evaluation of Intelligent Innovation Effect of Fashion and Cultural Products from the Perspective of Consumer Perception},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 5th Management Science Informatization and Economic Innovation Development Conference, MSIEID 2023, December 8--10, 2023, Guangzhou, China},
        keywords={intelligent cultural products consumer perception intelligent innovation effect},
  • Chenggang Li
    Chen Liang
    Lu Ge
    Year: 2024
    Evaluation of Intelligent Innovation Effect of Fashion and Cultural Products from the Perspective of Consumer Perception
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.8-12-2023.2344381
Chenggang Li1,*, Chen Liang1, Lu Ge1
  • 1: Business School of BIFT
*Contact email:


In the era of intelligence, intelligent innovation of fashion and culture industry can be integrated with the innovation of other industries across the border, and intelligent innovation of fashion and cultural products is a long-term trend. This paper studies the innovation effect of fashion and cultural product intelligence from the perspective of consumers, identifies the dimensions of perceived value, and evaluates its innovation effect from the dimensions of economic and social benefits, and ultimately draws conclusions from the empirical results and provides suggestions for the conclusions.