Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics, Management, Accounting and Business, ICEMAB 2018, 8-9 October 2018, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research Article

Service Quality And Satisfaction Patient As A Key To Enhance Loyalty Patient Dentist In Bungo Regency (Study Of Patient Health Bpjs Rinsan Manik)

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.8-10-2018.2288723,
        author={Nur Ika Effendi and Marthika  Marthika and Delila Fitri Harahap},
        title={Service Quality And Satisfaction Patient  As A Key To Enhance Loyalty Patient Dentist In Bungo Regency  (Study Of  Patient Health Bpjs Rinsan Manik)},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics, Management, Accounting and Business, ICEMAB 2018, 8-9 October 2018, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia},
        keywords={service quality satisfaction loyalty bpjs},
  • Nur Ika Effendi
    Marthika Marthika
    Delila Fitri Harahap
    Year: 2019
    Service Quality And Satisfaction Patient As A Key To Enhance Loyalty Patient Dentist In Bungo Regency (Study Of Patient Health Bpjs Rinsan Manik)
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.8-10-2018.2288723
Nur Ika Effendi1,*, Marthika Marthika1, Delila Fitri Harahap1
  • 1: Departement of Economic, Muara Bungo University, Jambi, Indonesia
*Contact email:


Service quality and satisfaction on patient could be effectively utilized to strengthen the loyalty of patient. Previous study were focused more on the impact, but in this study aims to give evaluate empirically the impact of service quality and satisfaction of patient dentist health care of BPJS (Institution of Social Security). With data collected 95 patient exploring the patient arrival rate, and the data were analyzed using path analysis. The result reveals the significant had effect of service quality to satisfaction and loyalty of patient. But indirect effect of service quality on loyalty patient trough satisfaction is more than direct effect of service quality to loyalty dentist health care of BPJS. The result of both service quality and satisfaction as well as their interactive effects on loyalty. The managerial and research implications of the reported study are. Therefore, dental clinic Rinsan Manik should develop an service quality especially the dimension of tangible to improve word of mouth.