Proceedings of the First International Conference on Combinatorial and Optimization, ICCAP 2021, December 7-8 2021, Chennai, India

Research Article

Utilization of Natural Source Filters for the Removal of Contaminants from the Waste Water

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.7-12-2021.2314743,
        author={Jeyakodi Moses  J},
        title={Utilization of Natural Source Filters for the Removal of Contaminants from the Waste Water},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the First International Conference on Combinatorial and Optimization, ICCAP 2021, December 7-8 2021, Chennai, India},
        keywords={waste water natural source filter tds cod bod environment friendly},
  • Jeyakodi Moses J
    Year: 2021
    Utilization of Natural Source Filters for the Removal of Contaminants from the Waste Water
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.7-12-2021.2314743
Jeyakodi Moses J1,*
  • 1: PSG College of Technology
*Contact email:


Water is one of the inevitable commodities in the day to day life of everyone, from the domestic applications to the industrial applications. As water easily dissolves almost everything directly or with the help of suitable chemicals, it is quite normal to use for the respective applications. After the chemical processing using water on the suitable materials, the residual solutions contains the contaminations that create pollution to the environment. Hence, nowadays it is made compulsory to treat the waste water to be suitable for mixing in the water bodies. Based on this context, in this work, it is decided to study on the waste water collected from the domestic washing machines and the textile chemical processing industries by utilizing the natural source filters. The results of which are in the convincing trend.