Proceedings of the first International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, September 5-6 2018, Padang, Indonesia

Research Article

The function of Interfaith Forum (FKUB) in The Social System Of Interfaith Tolerance Establishment in West Pasaman Regency

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.5-9-2018.2282594,
        author={Ferdi Ferdian and Afrizal Afrizal and Elfitra Elfitra},
        title={The function of Interfaith Forum (FKUB) in The Social System Of Interfaith Tolerance Establishment in West Pasaman Regency},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the first International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, September 5-6 2018, Padang, Indonesia},
        keywords={tolerance among the followers of a religion religious harmony fkub mediation religious conflicts},
  • Ferdi Ferdian
    Afrizal Afrizal
    Elfitra Elfitra
    Year: 2019
    The function of Interfaith Forum (FKUB) in The Social System Of Interfaith Tolerance Establishment in West Pasaman Regency
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.5-9-2018.2282594
Ferdi Ferdian1,*, Afrizal Afrizal1, Elfitra Elfitra1
  • 1: Department of Sociology, Andalas University, Indonesia
*Contact email:


This article is about creating tolerance among followers of different religions at the district level. Interfaith Forum (FKUB) ranging from national to district level was established by the government after the reform (2006) to create harmony among religious communities in Indonesia. This policy is a joint policy of the Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of Home Affairs based on the view that the religious conflicts that occur can be controlled by facilitating communication between different religious leaders. This article will present the results of research on the function of FKUB to create tolerance among people in the regency of West Pasaman, which consists of different religions. The focus of research is on activities that were carried out to maintain harmony among people in the regency of West Pasaman. By using qualitative research data and Functional Structural Theory, this article will show that to create harmony among religious people in West Pasaman FKUB perform various activities namely investigation and mediation. Furthermore, this article describes the investigation that has been done and its effect on the creation of harmony of religious life. By playing the role of investigation and mediation, West Pasaman FKUB occupies an integration position in the social system of religious tolerance establishment in Pasaman Barat Regency and plays a role as a guardian of inter-religious harmony.