Proceedings of the first International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, September 5-6 2018, Padang, Indonesia

Research Article

Good Governance or Local Wisdom? Dilemma in Modern Government Practices in West Sumatra, Indonesia

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.5-9-2018.2281016,
        author={Asrinaldi Asril and Yoserizal Yoserizal},
        title={Good Governance or Local Wisdom? Dilemma in Modern Government Practices in West Sumatra, Indonesia},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the first International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, September 5-6 2018, Padang, Indonesia},
        keywords={dilemma governance local wisdom and development},
  • Asrinaldi Asril
    Yoserizal Yoserizal
    Year: 2019
    Good Governance or Local Wisdom? Dilemma in Modern Government Practices in West Sumatra, Indonesia
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.5-9-2018.2281016
Asrinaldi Asril,*, Yoserizal Yoserizal1
  • 1: Department of Public Administration Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
*Contact email:


This article describes the application of Adat Basandi Syarak-Syarak Basandi Kitabullah (ABS-SBK) principle in the application of government in West Sumatera Province. ABS-SBK principle is the norm as well as unwritten law that develops in the life of the people of West Sumatra; the majority are ethnic Minangkabau. Interestingly this norm is recognized by the community to control and regulate the implementation of government in West Sumatra Province. Indeed, until now official documents related to the ABS-SBK principle which is the guidance of this development does not yet exist. This article is derived from field research that sees the implementation of development based on this ABS-SBK mission. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach to explain the problems studied. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with some government officials, community leaders and academics who understood the issues under study. This article finds that the people of West Sumatera are not yet able to identify what ABS-SBK principle is applied in government. As a result, local governments are also difficult to describe the development mission that put the ABS-SBK norm as the foundation in the implementation of such development.