Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Humanities, Industry, and Technology for Society, ACHITS 2019, 30-31 July 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia

Research Article

The Challenges of Government Public Relations and Abuse of Power over Indonesia

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.30-7-2019.2287621,
        author={Suwandi  Sumartias and Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina},
        title={The Challenges of Government Public Relations and Abuse of Power over Indonesia},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Humanities, Industry, and Technology for Society, ACHITS 2019, 30-31 July 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia},
        keywords={government public relations; officer clean government; corruption; image and reputation},
  • Suwandi Sumartias
    Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
    Year: 2019
    The Challenges of Government Public Relations and Abuse of Power over Indonesia
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.30-7-2019.2287621
Suwandi Sumartias1,*, Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina2
  • 1: Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
  • 2: Stikosa Surabaya, Indonesia
*Contact email:


The article is opinion based on literature study. Era of globalization, democratization and transparency of information has significantly changed the social order, economic, politic and culture in the world, including Indonesia. Indonesia face the fundamental problem and crucial that the massive corruption and nepotism as a form of abuse of power in the government bureaucracy, especially in the executive, legislative and judicial. Currently, the arrested of Akil Mochtar as Chairman of Indonesia’s Constitutional Court, October 3, 2013 by the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) for alleged bribery in regional elections in Indonesia, being a massive print media coverage and social media, also in the citizens. Similarly, the practice of dynastic politics in Banten’s Governor Ratu Atut, further confirms that corruption and nepotism became acute and habituation misunderstood common sense. Public relations in government agencies should have a research function and counseled leaders in taking a variety of policies. Unfortunately, the function and the existence of public relations government is helpless, especially in maintaining the organization's image and reputation of a clean government corruption. Public relations officers even more confused if faces of various demands of citizens to public disclosure in accordance with Act No. 14 of 2008 about Public Information Disclosure.