Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Educational Science, ICONSEIR 2023, 30 November 2023, Medan, Indonesia

Research Article

Development of E-Module Based on the Revitalization of Traditional Games as a Learning Media in the Curriculum Study and Learning Planning Course in the PGSD Department, Fip Unimed

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.30-11-2023.2346958,
        author={Ibrahim  Gultom and Edizal  Hatmi and Tetty Suyanty Elisa and Reza Ananda Hatmi},
        title={Development of E-Module Based on the Revitalization of Traditional Games as a Learning Media in the Curriculum Study and Learning Planning Course in the PGSD Department, Fip Unimed},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Educational Science, ICONSEIR 2023, 30 November 2023, Medan, Indonesia},
        keywords={development e-module learning media revitalization tradisional games character education},
  • Ibrahim Gultom
    Edizal Hatmi
    Tetty Suyanty Elisa
    Reza Ananda Hatmi
    Year: 2024
    Development of E-Module Based on the Revitalization of Traditional Games as a Learning Media in the Curriculum Study and Learning Planning Course in the PGSD Department, Fip Unimed
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.30-11-2023.2346958
Ibrahim Gultom1,*, Edizal Hatmi1, Tetty Suyanty Elisa1, Reza Ananda Hatmi1
  • 1: Faculty of Education – Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
*Contact email:


The main goal of this research is to develop an e-module, enhance students' ability to modify learning resources, and assess the feasibility, student evaluations, and practicality of the e-module as a learning medium developed for the Curriculum Study and Learning Planning course in the PGSD Department, FIP UNIMED. This research follows the research and development approach using the ADDIE model, which stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The quality of learning is measured through learning mastery, which includes the preparation phase, the learning process, and the outcomes achieved. However, based on observations in the Curriculum Study and Learning Planning course that has been conducted in the PGSD Department of UNIMED, it was found that students have a low mastery of developing learning materials, a lack of insight into utilizing learning resources derived from local wisdom, and a limited understanding of the course material of Curriculum Study and Learning Planning due to the scarcity of literature or references related to the course material. The research findings indicate that the practicality data from two lecturers have an average value of 55, which falls within the range X > 47.6, categorizing it as very practical. Additionally, the practicality data from 40 students have an average value of 54.9, also falling within the range X > 47.6, and thus categorized as very practical.