Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Educational Science, ICONSEIR 2023, 30 November 2023, Medan, Indonesia

Research Article

Efforts to Produce Teacher Candidates and Reflective Supervisors Using the IMPRECI Model in Pre-service PPL PPG Universitas Negeri Medan

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.30-11-2023.2346947,
        author={Faisal  Faisal and Lala Jelita Ananda and Suri Handayani Damanik and Stelly Martha Lova},
        title={Efforts to Produce Teacher Candidates and Reflective Supervisors Using the IMPRECI Model in Pre-service PPL PPG Universitas Negeri Medan},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Educational Science, ICONSEIR 2023, 30 November 2023, Medan, Indonesia},
        keywords={c-nar impreci pre-service ppg reflective teacher elementary school},
  • Faisal Faisal
    Lala Jelita Ananda
    Suri Handayani Damanik
    Stelly Martha Lova
    Year: 2024
    Efforts to Produce Teacher Candidates and Reflective Supervisors Using the IMPRECI Model in Pre-service PPL PPG Universitas Negeri Medan
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.30-11-2023.2346947
Faisal Faisal1,*, Lala Jelita Ananda1, Suri Handayani Damanik1, Stelly Martha Lova1
  • 1: Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
*Contact email:


The aim of the research is to produce prospective teachers and reflective supervisors for the Medan State University PPG Pre-Service program in 2023. This was done based on the low reflective ability of PPG Pre-Service students in improving the continuous learning process. This research is guided action research in classroom action research or commonly termed C-NAR (Collaborative Nested Action Research). In its implementation, PPG Pre-service students as prospective teachers continue to make improvements and innovations in the learning process, field supervisors continue to make continuous improvements in guidance. The research procedure goes through the D-I-O-R stages (Design, Implementation, Observation and Reflection). The research subjects were 3 students. Research data was collected through observation, questionnaires and documentation. The instruments used were observation sheets, questionnaires and documentation checklists. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive data analysis. Field test data by students was analyzed using a qualitative data flow model starting from data reduction, data presentation, to conclusions. The results of research through 3 learning cycles by 3 students show that students can make innovations and continuous improvements in each learning cycle. Thus, the use of the IMPRECI model with the C-NAR approach can produce reflective teachers and supervisors at Medan State University Pre-Service PPL PPG.