Research Article
Gender Equality in Prespective Islam and Law of Indonesia
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.30-11-2020.2303752, author={H.A. Mufrod Teguh Mulyo}, title={Gender Equality in Prespective Islam and Law of Indonesia}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science, Humanities, Education and Society Development, ICONS 2020, 30 November, Tegal, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICONS}, year={2021}, month={1}, keywords={islam gender and legislation}, doi={10.4108/eai.30-11-2020.2303752} }
- H.A. Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
Year: 2021
Gender Equality in Prespective Islam and Law of Indonesia
DOI: 10.4108/eai.30-11-2020.2303752
Islam explicitly places women on an equal footing with men, namely the position of humans, creations and servants of Allah SWT. Islam teaches that the origin of the creation of man and woman is the same, that is, both from the ground, so it is completely unreasonable to view women as inferior to men. Talking about gender equality in Islam, it is found that a number of verses in the al-Qur'an mention; equality of men and women as servants of Allah, equality of men and women as kholifah on earth, equality of men and women accepting primordial agreements, equality of men and women to achieve achievement, equality of men and women in forming a family, equality of men and women in continuing offspring through legal marriages, equality of men and women in the process of creation. The legal system in Indonesia textually normatively recognizes equal rights and obligations as well as opportunities for women and men. The 1945 Constitution as the highest law does not differentiate the position of women and men. Article 27 paragraph (1) menegaskan persamaan kedudukan laki-laki dan perempuan didepan hukum, sebagai berikut: Segala warga Negara bersamaan kedudukannya di dalam hukum dan pemerintahan dan wajib menjunjung hukum dan pemerintahan itu dengan tidak ada kecualinya.