Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science, Humanities, Education and Society Development, ICONS 2020, 30 November, Tegal, Indonesia

Research Article

Internalization and Actualization of Nationalism Values in Trijaya Tegal College Beliefs

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.30-11-2020.2303727,
        author={Miftahul  Janah and Itmam Aulia Rakhman},
        title={Internalization and Actualization of Nationalism Values in Trijaya Tegal College Beliefs},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science, Humanities, Education and Society Development, ICONS 2020, 30 November, Tegal, Indonesia},
        keywords={actualization nationalism religion trijaya},
  • Miftahul Janah
    Itmam Aulia Rakhman
    Year: 2021
    Internalization and Actualization of Nationalism Values in Trijaya Tegal College Beliefs
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.30-11-2020.2303727
Miftahul Janah1,*, Itmam Aulia Rakhman1
  • 1: Institut Agama Islam Bakti Negara (IBN) Tegal,
*Contact email:


This paper examines how to internalize and actualize the understanding of Nationalism in Trijaya's belief. This is important considering that in Tegal Regency itself, there are many different religions and spiritual beliefs for its people. In the Trijaya College itself, the students (putera) comes from various streams, beliefs and religions. In addition, Perguruan Trijaya which has been established for the past fifty-four years, it is able to live side by side in peace by still performing all its worship rituals with service. This research is a type of qualitative-descriptive research that uses methods etnografi-basis Native Point of View, to get the perspective of the owner of the culture as it is. The results showed that the internalization process went through two stages, internal refers to the introduction (pengantar) Romo Guru and externally through awareness of the history of the nation. Meanwhile, the actualization of the value of nationalism is manifested in the thanksgiving on national days and when the “putera“ have separate events or events. Thanksgiving is marked with tumpengan and ampengan which have their respective philosophical values. In addition, they are willing to sacrifice and love the country and accept diversity as the actualization of nationalism.