Proceeding of the First International Graduate Conference (IGC) On Innovation, Creativity, Digital, & Technopreneurship for Sustainable Development in Conjunction with The 6th Roundtable for Indonesian Entrepreneurship Educators 2018 Universitas Syiah Kuala October, 3-5, 2018 Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Research Article

Soil Fertility on Dryland Areas of Bireuen District Aceh Province, Indonesia

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.3-10-2018.2284329,
        author={Sufardi  Sufardi and M  Khalil and Darusman  Darusman and M R Husni and S  Zakaria and Zaitun  Zaitun and T F Karmil},
        title={Soil Fertility on Dryland Areas of Bireuen District Aceh Province, Indonesia},
        proceedings={Proceeding of the First International Graduate Conference (IGC) On Innovation, Creativity, Digital, \& Technopreneurship for Sustainable Development in Conjunction with The 6th Roundtable for Indonesian Entrepreneurship Educators 2018 Universitas Syiah Kuala October, 3-5, 2018 Banda Aceh, Indonesia},
        keywords={dryland farming soil fertility constraints soil improvement},
  • Sufardi Sufardi
    M Khalil
    Darusman Darusman
    M R Husni
    S Zakaria
    Zaitun Zaitun
    T F Karmil
    Year: 2019
    Soil Fertility on Dryland Areas of Bireuen District Aceh Province, Indonesia
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.3-10-2018.2284329
Sufardi Sufardi1,*, M Khalil1, Darusman Darusman1, M R Husni2, S Zakaria2, Zaitun Zaitun2, T F Karmil3
  • 1: Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  • 2: Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  • 3: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
*Contact email:


Soil fertility status is important information in soil management. Field studies and laboratory analyzes have been conducted to assess soil fertility status in some dryland areas in Bireuen District, Aceh Province (Indonesia). Soil samples taken from 26 sites in Bireuen Regency represented six types of soil namely Podzolic Haplic (Typic Hapludults), Regosol Humic (Typic Udipsamments), Alluvial District (Typic Udifluvents), Lithosol (Lithic Udorthents), Gleysol Eutric (Typic Fluvaquents) and Gleysol Humic (Typic Humaquepts). Soil samples were taken at the depths of 0-20 cm, then taken to analyze some soil fertility properties including: pH, organic C, total N, total P2O5 and K2O content (25% HCl extract), available P (Bray II), exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, and Na) and CEC (1N ammonium acetate pH7 method), exchangeable Al and H (1M KCl extract), and electrical conductivity (EC). The limiting factors of soil fertility are low soil organic matter (<1.5%), low base saturation (<35%), and low P2O5 and K2O content. Soil pH varies from acid to neutral (5.04-7.02), while the CEC values, available P, varied from low to high. The exchangeable Al and EC values are generally very low. The main key to improving soil fertility status of dryland areas of Bireuen District is to provide ameliorant material in the form of organic matter, biochar, compost, and fertilizers.