Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, ICE 2019, 27-28 September 2019, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Research Article

Student Scientific Creativity Profile Based on Scientific Structure Creativity Model

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.28-9-2019.2291015,
        author={Siti  Zulaichah and Sukarmin  Sukarmin and Mohammad  Masykuri},
        title={Student Scientific Creativity Profile Based on  Scientific Structure Creativity Model},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, ICE 2019, 27-28 September 2019, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia},
        keywords={creativity fluency flexibility originality},
  • Siti Zulaichah
    Sukarmin Sukarmin
    Mohammad Masykuri
    Year: 2020
    Student Scientific Creativity Profile Based on Scientific Structure Creativity Model
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.28-9-2019.2291015
Siti Zulaichah1,*, Sukarmin Sukarmin1, Mohammad Masykuri1
  • 1: Universitas Sebelas Maret
*Contact email:


Creativity is an important skill for student in 21st century. Creativity is the ability to make some new ideas or products that are unique and useful. Scientific creativity links creativity and science, includes science process and science product. Scientific creativity is useful for understanding scientific phenomena, advancing science knowledge, solving scientific problem and producing scientific product. The aim of this research was to identify the profile of students’ scientific creativity. This research was conducted by a descriptive research method. The subject of this research was 30 students from grade VIII of Junior High School Y Surakarta. The data of students’ scientific creativity was collected using 7 item scientific creativity test related to the Scientific Structure Creativity Model (SSCM) by Hu and Adey. The test was carried out to obtain the personality traits of scientific creativity includes fluency, flexibility and originality. The result showed that the percentage of students’ scientific creativity achievements are: fluency 56.17%, flexibility 44.64% and originality 30.63%. Based on the result, the average of students’ scientific creativity was 43.81%. This indicated that the students’ scientific creativity was in low level, therefore scientific creativity must be a serious concern in the science learning process. Teachers should use a learning model that can develop students’ scientific creativity.