Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, ICE 2019, 27-28 September 2019, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Research Article

Experimentation of Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending (CORE) Learning Models with PMR Approaches to Students' Mathematical Communication Skills

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.28-9-2019.2291000,
        author={Angga Angga Gama Kurnia Dewa and Riyadi  Riyadi and Sri  Subanti},
        title={Experimentation of Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending (CORE) Learning Models with PMR Approaches to Students' Mathematical Communication Skills},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, ICE 2019, 27-28 September 2019, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia},
        keywords={communication education level mathematical},
  • Angga Angga Gama Kurnia Dewa
    Riyadi Riyadi
    Sri Subanti
    Year: 2020
    Experimentation of Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending (CORE) Learning Models with PMR Approaches to Students' Mathematical Communication Skills
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.28-9-2019.2291000
Angga Angga Gama Kurnia Dewa1,*, Riyadi Riyadi1, Sri Subanti1
  • 1: Department of Mathematics Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
*Contact email:


The purpose of this study is to analyze the mathematical communication skills of students and which are better mathematical communication skills of students from a high, medium, or low school categories.This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The sample was selected by using the Combined Sampling technique, namely Stratified Cluster Random Sampling. The population is divided into three categories (high, medium and low) based on the results of the previous year's national exams, then one school is chosen from each category, and then 1 class is chosen to represent the selected school. The instrument for retrieving data is essay questions as much as 2 questions and the material being taught is the chapters to build flat side spaces.Based on the results of the answers from students, it was found that the mathematical communication skills of students from high school categories were better than students from medium schools and students from low school categories.Based on the results of the analysis of the importance of communication skills in learning mathematics requires teacher training or guidance to further train and accustom students to develop mathematical communication skills. CORE with the PMR approach can train and improve students' mathematical communication skills. This is following one of the 21st-century learning objectives that require students to be more active in learning and have good mathematical communication skills