Research Article
The Health Behavior of Students at Home Economics Program during Covid-19 Pandemic Era
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.27-8-2020.2305744, author={Asih Kuswardinah and Dyah Nurani Setyaningsih and Meddiati Fajri Putri and Bambang Triatma and Megadona Pratiwi and Navari Wahyuning Ramadhani}, title={The Health Behavior of Students at Home Economics Program during Covid-19 Pandemic Era}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 2nd Vocational Education International Conference, VEIC 2020, 27th August 2020, Semarang, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={VEIC}, year={2021}, month={7}, keywords={health behavior home economics program students covid-19 pandemic}, doi={10.4108/eai.27-8-2020.2305744} }
- Asih Kuswardinah
Dyah Nurani Setyaningsih
Meddiati Fajri Putri
Bambang Triatma
Megadona Pratiwi
Navari Wahyuning Ramadhani
Year: 2021
The Health Behavior of Students at Home Economics Program during Covid-19 Pandemic Era
DOI: 10.4108/eai.27-8-2020.2305744
One of the basic applications of health behavior for every individual is the knowledge that they have. The knowledge can be obtained through education, both formal, non-formal and informal education. Healthy lifestyle is a practice of clean and healthy habits in daily life both at home and outdoors. Most of students at UNNES especially Home Economics study program live in boarding houses, but during the pandemic most of the students returned to their homes. Family and environmental health is one of the courses in the Home Economics program which is expected to be the basis for the application of health behavior for students. This ex-post-facto research aims to explain about the health behavior of the of students during the pandemics of covid-19. The population of the study is the all students at the Home Economics program, Universitas Negeri Semarang. 89 students were sampled in this research. Those who were sampled have taken family and the environmental health. The results showed that students of Home Economics program implementing health behavior in the category of "high" with the percentage of 36% (32 people), the category "moderate" by 64% (57 people), and there are no students in the category of "low". Based on the results, it is recommended that the students of Home Economics program of UNNES continue to improve the implementation of health behavior, at home and the outside.