Research Article
Implementation Of The Index Card Match Strategy In Learning Indonesian Poetry Material In An Effort To Improve Student Activity and Learning Outcomes
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.26-11-2022.2339377, author={Alfi Hidayati}, title={Implementation Of The Index Card Match Strategy In Learning Indonesian Poetry Material In An Effort To Improve Student Activity and Learning Outcomes}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood Education in Multiperspective, ICECEM 2022, 26th November 2022, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICECEM}, year={2023}, month={12}, keywords={learning strategies student activeness student learning outcome}, doi={10.4108/eai.26-11-2022.2339377} }
- Alfi Hidayati
Year: 2023
Implementation Of The Index Card Match Strategy In Learning Indonesian Poetry Material In An Effort To Improve Student Activity and Learning Outcomes
DOI: 10.4108/eai.26-11-2022.2339377
The Implementation of the Index Card Match strategy in Indonesian subjects that the researchers used was basically the purpose of this study was to increase the activity and learning outcomes of students in social studies class V at MI YAPPI Planjan, Kesugihan District. The results were obtained when the teacher practiced or implemented the Index Card Match strategy, the method used was classroom action research which consisted of 2 cycles and 4 stages, including the planning, implementation, observation and reflection stages of the researcher. In the pre-cycle presentation of student activity in social studies learning, only 45% of students seemed active in participating in learning and obtained scores that were less than the KKM. Then , in the first cycle, the presentation increased to 68 % with an average score of student learning outcomes of 75 according to the KKM standard. In the second cycle to maximize learning outcomes in social studies learning, in this cycle there was a significant increase in student activity presentation to 90% and students were able to achieve an average score of 85 which this average already exceeded the KKM standard. Finally, it was concluded that the use or implementation of the index Card Match strategy can be used on an ongoing basis in order to increase activity and also improve student learning outcomes.