The 1st Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification in conjunction with COMDEV 2018, Medan Indonesia, 26th January 2019, WOMELA-GG

Research Article

Women's Empowerment and the Resilience of Local Products: Technology-Based Regional Economic Development Models

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.26-1-2019.2283327,
        author={I G A Purnamawati and N K S Adnyani},
        title={Women's Empowerment and the Resilience of Local Products: Technology-Based Regional Economic Development Models},
        proceedings={The 1st Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification in conjunction with COMDEV 2018, Medan Indonesia, 26th January 2019, WOMELA-GG},
        keywords={klungkung regency bali economy},
  • I G A Purnamawati
    N K S Adnyani
    Year: 2019
    Women's Empowerment and the Resilience of Local Products: Technology-Based Regional Economic Development Models
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.26-1-2019.2283327
I G A Purnamawati1,*, N K S Adnyani2
  • 1: Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia
  • 2: Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Social Science, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia
*Contact email:


This study aims to have deeper examination on women's empowerment and the resilience of local products to strengthen the regional economy through technology-based development model. The sample of this study is MSMEs which has geographical indication products in Klungkung Regency, Bali. The results of the study are: the increase in the quality of human resources in the field of creative industries has a positive influence in terms of socio-economic community; improving the quality, quantity and distribution of welfare, technology-based production, empowerment, and patterns of cooperation between the community in Klungkung