Research Article
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa) For Inclusive Growth In Bengkulu Province
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.26-1-2019.2283325, author={Ahmad Soleh}, title={Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa) For Inclusive Growth In Bengkulu Province}, proceedings={The 1st Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification in conjunction with COMDEV 2018, Medan Indonesia, 26th January 2019, WOMELA-GG}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={WOMELA-GG}, year={2019}, month={4}, keywords={bum desa inclusive growth bengkulu province}, doi={10.4108/eai.26-1-2019.2283325} }
- Ahmad Soleh
Year: 2019
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa) For Inclusive Growth In Bengkulu Province
DOI: 10.4108/eai.26-1-2019.2283325
This study aims to examine the importance of developing Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa) in an effort to achieve inclusive growth in Bengkulu province. The method of approach used in this study is descriptive analysis. The technique of collecting data uses library research. Based on data and phenomena in the field, it shows that Bengkulu province is still experiencing development problems such as rising unemployment, the percentage of poor people is still high and income distribution is not evenly distributed. Most of the population lives in rural areas and depends on the economy in the agricultural sector. Rural-based development is very important to do. BUM Desa is considered as one of the alternative solutions in overcoming rural development problems. Since its establishment in 2015 to 2017, BUM Desa in Bengkulu province has experienced rapid development. Until 2017, BUM Desa totaled 1,032 out of 1,341 villages in nine districts in Bengkulu province. Potential addition of the establishment of BUM Desa by 309. In the long term, the development of BUM Desa is expected to absorb more labor, reduce poverty and more equitable income distribution. Feomena where economic growth contributes to employment, poverty reduction and even distribution of income is known as inclusive growth. This means that the development of BUM Desa needs to be developed as an effort to realize the achievement of inclusive growth in Bengkulu province