The 1st Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification in conjunction with COMDEV 2018, Medan Indonesia, 26th January 2019, WOMELA-GG

Research Article

The Authenticity of the Notary's Authentic Deed on the Akad Murabaha on Syariah Financing in the Online Fiduciary Registration

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.26-1-2019.2283203,
        author={D A Harahap and W S Wahyuni and U M Barus},
        title={The Authenticity of the Notary's Authentic Deed on the Akad Murabaha on Syariah Financing in the Online Fiduciary Registration},
        proceedings={The 1st Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification in conjunction with COMDEV 2018, Medan Indonesia, 26th January 2019, WOMELA-GG},
        keywords={murabaha legal research deed},
  • D A Harahap
    W S Wahyuni
    U M Barus
    Year: 2019
    The Authenticity of the Notary's Authentic Deed on the Akad Murabaha on Syariah Financing in the Online Fiduciary Registration
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.26-1-2019.2283203
D A Harahap1,*, W S Wahyuni1, U M Barus1
  • 1: Lecturer in Law Program, Universitas Medan Area, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
*Contact email:


Traditionally, the engagement of deed through a notary is executed directly, the party concerned comes directly to the notary. This can be seen in each opening of a notarial deed preceded by the phrase "has come to me". The phrase affirms that everyone who makes the deed, visits the notary directly and face to face. With the issuance of Government Regulation Number. 21 of 2015, it is possible to commit akad murabaha Fiduciary Warranty online. This research is a normative legal research. Normative legal research is a research that discusses the legal aspect, by conducting the library of research in terms of comparative law or legal history. This normative legal research use statutory approaches which are relevant to this legal research. Any authentic deed of a notary in the murabaha of an online fiduciary must be made by the parties concerned before the notary public. According to Islamic law, the authentic deed of a notary in the murabaha of fiduciary online can be justified as the pillars of the contract and does not contradict the Quran and Sunnah