Research Article
Development of IBL STEM Model Based on Chemical Literacy to Improve Students‘ LOTS and HOTS Abilities
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.24-10-2023.2342337, author={Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean and Pasar Maulim Silitonga and Risdo Gultom}, title={Development of IBL STEM Model Based on Chemical Literacy to Improve Students‘ LOTS and HOTS Abilities}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science, and Culture, ICIESC 2023, 24 October 2023, Medan, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICIESC}, year={2024}, month={1}, keywords={ibl stem chemical literacy lots hots}, doi={10.4108/eai.24-10-2023.2342337} }
- Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean
Pasar Maulim Silitonga
Risdo Gultom
Year: 2024
Development of IBL STEM Model Based on Chemical Literacy to Improve Students‘ LOTS and HOTS Abilities
DOI: 10.4108/eai.24-10-2023.2342337
In part to the speed at which science and technology are developing, lectures must be able to equip students to think both higher level (HOTS) and fundamentally (LOTS). The science category includes chemistry, which can be utilized to help pupils develop their LOTS and HOTS skills. The goal of this study is to provide practical (valid) general chemistry teaching resources (books) on stoichiometry that enhance students' LOTS and HOTS skills. These materials will be produced by utilizing the Inquiry-Based Learning and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (IBL STEM) approach. ADDIE is the development model used in this study. Using a viable (valid) chemical literacy-based IBL STEM model, this research and development generated instructional materials on stoichiometry that were considerably shown to improve students' LOTS and HOTS abilities with a probability value of 0.000 (p=0.000<0.05).