The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus

Research Article

Alternative Design Method To Improve Accommodation Room On Merchant Ship Accounting For Crew Condition During International Voyages

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280614,
        author={Aditya Rio Prabowo and Bangun IR Harsritanto and Jung Min Sohn and Joung Hyung Cho},
        title={Alternative Design Method To Improve Accommodation Room On Merchant Ship Accounting For Crew Condition During International Voyages},
        proceedings={The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus},
        keywords={relaxation space merchant ship arrangement regulation design approaches improved layout scheme},
  • Aditya Rio Prabowo
    Bangun IR Harsritanto
    Jung Min Sohn
    Joung Hyung Cho
    Year: 2018
    Alternative Design Method To Improve Accommodation Room On Merchant Ship Accounting For Crew Condition During International Voyages
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280614
Aditya Rio Prabowo1,*, Bangun IR Harsritanto2, Jung Min Sohn3, Joung Hyung Cho3
  • 1: Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • 2: Universitas Diponegoro
  • 3: Pukyong National University
*Contact email:


This work aims to assess possibility to set-up relaxation space on most-frequent used by seafarer for resting and relaxing. The focus is addressed on the sleeping accommodation and mess room, with three approaches to set-up such space are considered by reviewing coloring, lighting and flooring. To conduct the assessment, fundamental literature of fatigue phenomenon is presented based on pioneer works in shipping activity. After solid background and necessity are clarified, the design requirement of merchant ship for crew accommodation is reviewed to ensure the design planning for relaxation space is also satisfy classification standard. Several forms of relaxation space’s concept based on different approaches are presented in discussion. Finally, from three approaches, it is concluded that coloring is the suitable in setting-up a relaxation room, especially in sleeping accommodation. Further design on the mess room requires collaboration of three approaches to reach good comfortableness level.