The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus

Research Article

Effect of Telenursing and Diabetes Self-Management Education Towards Fasting Blood Glucose in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280594,
        author={Iin Patimah and Andri Nugraha and Iwan Wahyudi and Susan Susyanti and Tri Listyorini},
        title={Effect of Telenursing and Diabetes Self-Management Education Towards Fasting Blood Glucose in type 2 diabetes mellitus},
        proceedings={The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus},
        keywords={diabetes mellitus tipe ii education telenursing telephone follow-up},
  • Iin Patimah
    Andri Nugraha
    Iwan Wahyudi
    Susan Susyanti
    Tri Listyorini
    Year: 2018
    Effect of Telenursing and Diabetes Self-Management Education Towards Fasting Blood Glucose in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280594
Iin Patimah1,*, Andri Nugraha1, Iwan Wahyudi1, Susan Susyanti1, Tri Listyorini2
  • 1: STIKes Karsa Husada Garut
  • 2: Universitas Muria Kudus
*Contact email:


Diabetes mellitus causes complication, the decreasing quality of life, and death. One of the efforts to help people with education, but rarely followed up. That is why telenursing method needed. Telenursing is an easy, efficient, without time and dinstance barriers and it is cheaper than traditional method. It is to find out the influence of telenursing (Telephone Follow-Up) and diabetes self management education for 12 weeks towards fasting blood glucose level. The research method used quasi experiment with control group pre and posttest design; total sampling was 32 people divided into control group and intervention group, parametric measurement of data analysis used t test. The result from the measurement of intervention group, it is obtained that fasting blood glucose (P value 0,00), and analysis result on control group obtained fasting blood glucose (P value 0,00). There is a significant influence between telenursing (follow up via phone) with fasting blood glucose.