The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus

Research Article

Web Based Selection of Football Striker Using Weight Product Method

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280563,
        author={Ika Oktavia Suzanti and Achmad Jauhari and Sigit Susanto Putro and Alif Wahyu Shodiqin4 and Devie Rosa Anamisa and Eka Mala Sari Rochman and Moh Ali Syakur},
        title={Web Based Selection of Football Striker Using Weight Product Method},
        proceedings={The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus},
        keywords={web based application weight product football striker selection},
  • Ika Oktavia Suzanti
    Achmad Jauhari
    Sigit Susanto Putro
    Alif Wahyu Shodiqin4
    Devie Rosa Anamisa
    Eka Mala Sari Rochman
    Moh Ali Syakur
    Year: 2018
    Web Based Selection of Football Striker Using Weight Product Method
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280563
Ika Oktavia Suzanti1,*, Achmad Jauhari1, Sigit Susanto Putro1, Alif Wahyu Shodiqin41, Devie Rosa Anamisa1, Eka Mala Sari Rochman1, Moh Ali Syakur1
  • 1: University of Trunojoyo
*Contact email:


Striker is a front line position player that directly face to face with defender and responsible for scoring goals. A striker not only must be have a good shooting accuracy but also can create a shooting space, and purpose a goal. In choosing a striker, a football coach can not only depends on his observation, but also have to check the data records to support the decision, therefore decision support system is needed to solve this problem. This system is web based application system using WP (Weight Product) method to provide recommendation for coach in choosing position for each players, and which one is the best for striker's position. From the result, WP shows an accuracy rate of 55% based on comparison between calculation system results and coach data recommendation