The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus

Research Article

An Android Based Inventory Reporting System: A Case Study in The Engineering Faculty of Muria Kudus University

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280552,
        author={Ardi Irfanto and Tri Listyorini and Alif Catur Murti},
        title={An Android Based Inventory Reporting System: A Case Study in The Engineering Faculty of Muria Kudus University},
        proceedings={The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus},
        keywords={android the engineering faculty inventory},
  • Ardi Irfanto
    Tri Listyorini
    Alif Catur Murti
    Year: 2018
    An Android Based Inventory Reporting System: A Case Study in The Engineering Faculty of Muria Kudus University
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.24-10-2018.2280552
Ardi Irfanto1,*, Tri Listyorini1, Alif Catur Murti1
  • 1: Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muria Kudus
*Contact email:


Inventory, in this case, is the goods and equipment in an institute or company which used to fulfil work necessities. The inventory availability at The Engineering Faculty in the University of Muria Kudus contains air conditioner (AC), teaching and learning tools, and any other types of equipment at the dean and lecturer’s room. However, the inventory not always in good condition. This is certainly will able to inhibit activity in the Faculty of Engineering. Based on these problems, and along with the technology development in this modern era, the researcher proposed a research about inventory damage reporting system based on mobile. This research is purposed to give facility to students and officers to deliver their lamentation or reporting about inventory problems. In addition, the research will take benefits of the smartphone as media to improve students or staff’s discipline in using and maintaining inventories in The Engineering Faculty