Research Article
The Design and Application of Online Interactive Teaching System of Chinese Painting in Colleges and Universities Based on FFMPEG Technology
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.23-12-2022.2329151, author={Chunying Sun}, title={The Design and Application of Online Interactive Teaching System of Chinese Painting in Colleges and Universities Based on FFMPEG Technology }, proceedings={Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet Technology and Educational Informatization, ITEI 2022, December 23-25, 2022, Harbin, China}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ITEI}, year={2023}, month={6}, keywords={streaming media; ffmpeg; h264; design of teaching system; live broadcast technology}, doi={10.4108/eai.23-12-2022.2329151} }
- Chunying Sun
Year: 2023
The Design and Application of Online Interactive Teaching System of Chinese Painting in Colleges and Universities Based on FFMPEG Technology
DOI: 10.4108/eai.23-12-2022.2329151
According to the current requirements of online interactive teaching of Chinese painting in colleges and universities, this paper deeply studies the technology of live course based on FFMpeg. After the second development and compilation of FFmpeg software, with the online interactive teaching system as the background platform, the functions of FFmpeg's protocol resolution, decapsulation, decoding and data storage are implanted into the system to realize the audio and video playing function of live classroom. This system uses the combination of H.264 video coding technology and AAC audio coding technology to establish a data compression environment. Can effectively reduce the amount of transmitted data. In this foundation, HTML5+CSS3+javascript language is adopted in the front-end design, and the back-end uses JAVA development language and SSH framework to complete the system implementation.