Research Article
Community Participation in Development of the Seaweed Processing Industry (Study in Madura Island, East Java Province)
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.23-10-2019.2293043, author={Tiwi Nurjannati Utami and Harsuko Riniwati and Nuddin Harahab and Lina Asmarawati}, title={Community Participation in Development of the Seaweed Processing Industry (Study in Madura Island, East Java Province)}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 13th International Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar, IISS 2019, 30-31 October 2019, Malang, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={IISS}, year={2020}, month={3}, keywords={participation development processing seaweed}, doi={10.4108/eai.23-10-2019.2293043} }
- Tiwi Nurjannati Utami
Harsuko Riniwati
Nuddin Harahab
Lina Asmarawati
Year: 2020
Community Participation in Development of the Seaweed Processing Industry (Study in Madura Island, East Java Province)
DOI: 10.4108/eai.23-10-2019.2293043
Indonesia is the world's largest seaweed exporter country [1]. However, Indonesia exports raw seaweed higher than processed ones. It makes the export value lower than other countries [2]. Indonesia can increase the export value through increase level participation of the community in seaweed processing. This study aims to analyze the level of community participation in seaweed processing in Indonesia, especially on Madura Island as one of the biggest seaweeds producing regions in Indonesia. The study uses descriptive method. The results show that the level of community participation in seaweed processing is categorized in manipulation level or low level. In order to increase community participation, collaboration of all relevant parties, namely government, academia and the private sectorare is needed to support the improvement of the community's ability to add value to seaweed.