Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, ICESSD 2019, 22-23 October 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia

Research Article

Indonesia Palm Oil as Issue Insight of Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.22-10-2019.2291471,
        author={Dwi Ajeng Zahrotun Noor},
        title={Indonesia Palm Oil as Issue Insight of Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, ICESSD 2019, 22-23 October 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia},
        keywords={biodiversity climate change deforestation environmental non-governmental organizations oil palm},
  • Dwi Ajeng Zahrotun Noor
    Year: 2020
    Indonesia Palm Oil as Issue Insight of Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.22-10-2019.2291471
Dwi Ajeng Zahrotun Noor1,*
  • 1: Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
*Contact email:


This paper is one of response towards the growing of recognition influence of non-governmental organization in world politics, especially in environmental issue. European Union policy to ban Indonesia oil palm is one of example the advocacy power of environmental non-government organizations. This paper would examine the nature of environmental non-governmental organizations in Indonesia. Particularly, this paper focus on the issue of Indonesia palm oil. Most studies focus on environmental impacts or economic benefits derived from the growing of palm oil plantations. Some studies also show that the economic benefits generated are not comparable to environmental impacts. In addition, several studies found that the environmental damage that occurred not only harm the local community. To close the gaps, several studies on palm oil governance were carried out. However, several studies mention the role of non-governmental organizations on the Indonesian palm oil issue. Some studies only explain how the role of non-governmental organizations in certain political phenomena. Narratives of non-governmental organizations are only considered part of the tools for advocacy.