Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, ICESSD 2019, 22-23 October 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia

Research Article

Strategy for Managing Public Park Maintenance as One Effort for the Implementation of Sustainable Green Open Space

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.22-10-2019.2291470,
        author={Silia  Yuslim},
        title={Strategy for Managing Public Park Maintenance as One Effort for the Implementation of  Sustainable Green Open Space},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, ICESSD 2019, 22-23 October 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia},
        keywords={maintenance management strategy public parks sustainable green open space},
  • Silia Yuslim
    Year: 2020
    Strategy for Managing Public Park Maintenance as One Effort for the Implementation of Sustainable Green Open Space
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.22-10-2019.2291470
Silia Yuslim1,*
  • 1: Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Kampus A Ged. K lt.6, Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Jakarta 11520
*Contact email:


The quality of green open space in DKI Jakarta is far from perfect. The management of maintaining Green Open Space which is still dominated by the government, especially in public parks, causes more than 50% of parks to be poorly maintained. Research Objectives are to provide management strategies to maintain public parks that involve the community (non-government) so that the park can benefit the community and the environment. Several studies in Europe revealed that community involvement can increase park maintenance activities, so the quality of the park can be improved. Research methods are using observation and descriptive qualitative analysis. Data is collected through a two-way assessment matrix of the Leopold Method to the parties that will be involved (purposive sampling). Matrix formulation is done through Delphi analysis, from the results of in-depth discussions related to the results of previous research studies with the government involved in maintenance activities. The results showed that maintenance activities require the rule of law, synergy, transparency, the possibility for community participation, and Human Resources. With this strategy, it is hoped that public parks can function sustainably for the community and the environment.