Research Article
The Role of CAR, NPL, and LDR Towards Profitability Banking to Registered Banks in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012-2016
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.21-9-2019.2293964, author={Purwanto Purwanto and Misti Hariasih and Rizky Eka Febriansah}, title={The Role of CAR, NPL, and LDR Towards Profitability Banking to Registered Banks in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012-2016}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Islamic Finance and Technology, CIFET, 21 September, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={CIFET}, year={2020}, month={5}, keywords={capital adequacy ratio (car); non performing loan (npl); loan deposit to ratio (ldr) and return on asset (roa)}, doi={10.4108/eai.21-9-2019.2293964} }
- Purwanto Purwanto
Misti Hariasih
Rizky Eka Febriansah
Year: 2020
The Role of CAR, NPL, and LDR Towards Profitability Banking to Registered Banks in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012-2016
DOI: 10.4108/eai.21-9-2019.2293964
This study aims to determine the effect of CAR,NPL, and LDR Against Banking Profitability proxied with ROA at Commercial Banks Listed on BEI either partially or simultaneously. The type of this research is quantitative research. Population in this research is Commercial Bank resgistered in BEI period 2012-2016. The technique of determining the sample in this study using purposive sumpling, so that obtained 7 commercial banks consisting of state-owned banks and private-owned banks. Data analysis techniques were performed using descriptive statistical analysis and multiple liniear regression analysis. The results of this syudy indicate that in Commercial Banks Listed on BEI period 2012-2016 partially CAR have positive and significant effect on ROA, and LDR have positive and significant effect to ROA, while NPL have negative and significant effect to ROA. Simultaneously CAR, NPL, and LDR have a significant effect on ROA.