2nd Workshop on Language, Literature and Society for Education, Wol2SED 2018, December 21-22 2018, Solo, Indonesia

Research Article

The Expressive Urban Cultures Exposed in Vulgar Song Lyrics (The Study of Language Sexism)

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.21-12-2018.2282661,
        author={Dewi Kusumaningsih and Wiwik Darmini and Suparmin Suparmin and Sukarno Sukarno and Farida Nugrahani},
        title={The Expressive Urban Cultures Exposed in Vulgar Song Lyrics (The Study of Language Sexism)},
        proceedings={2nd Workshop on Language, Literature and Society for Education, Wol2SED 2018, December 21-22 2018, Solo, Indonesia},
        keywords={vulgar language; expressive culture; gender exploitation; song lyric},
  • Dewi Kusumaningsih
    Wiwik Darmini
    Suparmin Suparmin
    Sukarno Sukarno
    Farida Nugrahani
    Year: 2019
    The Expressive Urban Cultures Exposed in Vulgar Song Lyrics (The Study of Language Sexism)
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.21-12-2018.2282661
Dewi Kusumaningsih1,*, Wiwik Darmini1, Suparmin Suparmin1, Sukarno Sukarno1, Farida Nugrahani1
  • 1: University of Veteran Bangun Nusantara
*Contact email: Dewikusumaningsih71@gmail.com


The article explored the phenomenon of expressive urban cultures which was featured in Indonesian song lyrics and potentially contained vulgarism. It utilized a Qualitative Approach in an attempt to discover the expressive urban cultures in vulgar song lyrics. The data source derived from several Indonesian songs from various genres (especially pop and dangdut). Meanwhile, the data consisted of the lingual units of vulgar speeches in the forms of words, phrases, and clauses. A Content Analysis was deployed as the data collecting technique. The findings revealed that 1) the phenomenon of expressive urban cultures had led to the common use of vulgar language in Indonesian song lyrics; 2) women were negatively exposed through vulgarism in all Indonesian songs from the data source. The Linguistics forms of the expressive urban cultures consisted of words, phrases, and clauses. In regards to the negative exploitation, the women’s position mostly appeared in multiple black labels, for instance as kept women, sex workers, paramours, harlots, second wives, evil women, etc