Proceedings of the 1st Tidar International Conference on Advancing Local Wisdom Towards Global Megatrends, TIC 2020, 21-22 October 2020, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Research Article

Mental Health Analysis During Covid-19 Global Pandemic

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.21-10-2020.2311915,
        author={Muhammad Fitri Rahmadana and Gaffar Hafiz Sagala and M. Fachry Nasution and Reza  Aditia},
        title={Mental Health Analysis During Covid-19 Global Pandemic},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st Tidar International Conference on Advancing Local Wisdom Towards Global Megatrends, TIC 2020, 21-22 October 2020, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia},
        keywords={disaster management covid-19 quality of life psychological health},
  • Muhammad Fitri Rahmadana
    Gaffar Hafiz Sagala
    M. Fachry Nasution
    Reza Aditia
    Year: 2021
    Mental Health Analysis During Covid-19 Global Pandemic
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.21-10-2020.2311915
Muhammad Fitri Rahmadana1,*, Gaffar Hafiz Sagala1, M. Fachry Nasution1, Reza Aditia1
  • 1: Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
*Contact email:


The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. This situation can result in a community experiencing chronic disasters. Chronic disaster here is a gradual decrease in the quality of life of the population affected by the disaster and its impact on community members' social structure and overall health. If ignored, the decline in quality of life can damage people's mental health, the effect of which could be more severe than the virus outbreak itself. Therefore, it is necessary to study the quality of life of the people in dealing with COVID-19. This study aims to capture the phenomenon of people's quality of life during physical distancing. Data were collected using an electronic questionnaire with a simple random sampling technique on the population. This study managed to receive 370 responses. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression. From six determinants of quality of life, the spiritual belief was found to have no significant effect on life quality. Meanwhile, physical, psychological, level of independence, social relationship, and environment were found to impact the quality of life substantially. This study recommends policymakers accurately manage the atmosphere of community and psychological conditions to control the population's quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic.