Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2019, 21-22 October 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Research Article

Community Satisfaction of User Health Care Analysis at RSUD Kajen, Pekalongan Regency

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.21-10-2019.2294447,
        author={Susi  Sulandari},
        title={Community Satisfaction of User Health Care Analysis at RSUD Kajen, Pekalongan Regency},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2019,  21-22 October 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia},
        keywords={service satisfaction},
  • Susi Sulandari
    Year: 2020
    Community Satisfaction of User Health Care Analysis at RSUD Kajen, Pekalongan Regency
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.21-10-2019.2294447
Susi Sulandari1,*
  • 1: Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
*Contact email:


Public services can be interpreted as providing services (serving) the needs of the people or communities who have an interest in the Organization in accordance with the basic rules and ordinances that have been established. Kajen District Public Hospital (RSUD) as a hospital belonging to the local government of Pekalongan, is the largest hospital and is a reference for the people of Pekalongan regency. According to the demands and progress of society, Kajen Hospital is required to be able to provide good health services. Good health services are expected to provide satisfaction to the patient. To find out the level of public satisfaction to the service provided by Kajen Hospital of Pekalongan District, it is necessary to do a measurement of the level of public satisfaction on health services received. The level of satisfaction is the difference between service performance and service expectations that the community wants. The purpose of this research is to measure public satisfaction on health services provided by Kajen Hospital of Pekalongan Regency. The methods used in this study use a descriptive quantitative approach. Total populations 59.379. The results of the study show the value of public satisfaction on the service provided by Kajen Hospital is quite satisfied. The suggestion that given are: improvement in the speed of completion time in providing as well as repair of facilities and infrastructures such as comfortable and clean waiting room.