Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2019, 21-22 October 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Research Article

Construction of Collaborative Governance-based on Social Capital in Disaster Management Studies

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.21-10-2019.2294339,
        author={Abd.  Rachim and Y.  Warella and Retno Sunu Astuti and Suharyanto  Suharyanto},
        title={Construction of Collaborative Governance-based on Social Capital in Disaster Management Studies},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2019,  21-22 October 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia},
        keywords={collaborative governance social capital disaster management},
  • Abd. Rachim
    Y. Warella
    Retno Sunu Astuti
    Suharyanto Suharyanto
    Year: 2020
    Construction of Collaborative Governance-based on Social Capital in Disaster Management Studies
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.21-10-2019.2294339
Abd. Rachim1,*, Y. Warella1, Retno Sunu Astuti1, Suharyanto Suharyanto1
  • 1: Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
*Contact email:


This research aims to find out and identify the main importance element between the theory of collaborative governance, social model and disaster management comprehensively. Collaborative governance and social capital theoretically have the similar basis theory that is how the relationship between all the components involved. The main element consists of the agreed value, the element of stakeholder involved and the process that occurs in governance. This article is how to construct and map key elements of collaborative governance and social capital comprehensively so that disaster management can be more effective and efficient which expected to minimize adverse effects of catastrophe to affected communities. This article is the study of the library by utilizing a previous paper or research that analyzes the problem of disaster by observing the concept of collaborative governance and social capital as a form management of Disaster concept. The study also observes trends in research developments related to current disaster management. Collaborative governance based on social capital is important so that disaster victims positioned not only as objects (victims) but also as subjects (part of the solution) in response to disaster.